Friday, June 28, 2013

"It's Madness." "No, This Is Steeplechase!"

On Wednesday King Veličenstvidas led three Spartans to the battle at Děkankopylae againts the Pgpersian horde and their eastern allies.

This is SPARTAAA!!!
There is no need to write about the race because all was said in the biggest hit of Bohemia 5-days 2003. Just one picture in the moat after the battle.

There was the last order ahead of us: "Spartans! Tonight we dine in souterrain!" And really we Dine Hard there with Zachary, Hubert and Hudecek. But there was one more big obstacle - the way home with a blowing finish just past the tram station. In the morning I can see the miracle of the food chain: what once was my dinner has magically changed to a breakfast for pigeons. That made my day.
It's Friday and the ram horns are still there at Red Hill

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I Don't Go On I: My Big Premiere Is Postponed

Yesterday had to be a big day as His was prepared for his debut in the World Series of Bottled Beer. I have never run this race before because it is held at night and it would be very dangerous to compete with a torch or with a candlestick as according to the Protocol I can't use a flashlight. The Pine Bottles Race which has to be held during daylight at nearly Star Game Park was a great opportunity for my first go but the competition was postponed because of heavy loads of water - the worst enemy of drunkards.
It is a pitty, so let's stick to an individual training...

Individual training units prepared in our icehouse

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Long Way from Short Race

What to write about the Czech Championship on Short Distance (Middle in Czech) when I failed to qualify for the race? Better nothing because I ran only training class and so it cannot be counted as a stage of TdB 2013. So let's have a short look on the maps from long training and go ahead.

Saturday T4

Sunday T4

Below You can read why the Balkan trips are so cruel for the exalted Royal nobility as the voyage from the eastern remote county to Our capital city took me 11 hours.
13:07 CET: Leaving competition center at Qytetin e Vjetër nën Maldëborë
16:47 CET: Arrival at Holesovice railway station and taking public transport to the Bushtecastle track
17:07 CET: Arrival at Dejvice railway station and waiting for Our Royal Train. Why not drink one beer to overcome the waiting?
18:07 CET: Still waiting for the Train. Let's have another beer....
19:07 CET: Still drinking beer.
20:07 CET: Drinking beer
21:07 CET: Beer.
22:07 CET: Still waiting for the Train. Beergarden is closed so let's wait inside and drink some more.
23:07 CET: Beer.
23:47 CET: Fuck off with the train. Let's go for a tram.
00:27 CET: Finally arrival at Home...

Monday, June 17, 2013

I Go On VII Peaks To Heaven

The Czech O-cup is held once upon a long time in the West. And that time has come this weekend as the Iron Horse of Pilsen bring us to the famous location of Siete Montañas near Pueblo Mezquoletzi. I am still a greenhorn but the seasoned rovers can still remember the brutal bloodbath (Czech Championship 1995) at this place.
My performance was wilder than wild west but I was overdosed with mental power so I could not give up and after nearly two and half hours I reached the finish. Unfortunately in the evening I suffered by a lack of physical power so I could not enjoy the hospitality of local saloons.
My performance in Sunday race was much more better as I spent in the forest less than 100 minutes than the day before. So it was another unbelievable achievment as I finished in the first half of the result list in category H21B (the most prestigious category according to Waterville Carp).
The map

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Nimburg Trials

The Wednesday PPŽ was called of because of floods so I replaced the race on map with a training according to the movie "Wool Runnings" - drinking of beer and wine combined with bobsleigh at Machalka. But I survived so I could enjoy another races which were organised by DuckTales and Footprint in Nimburg.

1st Trial
The first race took place in the historical center of Nimburg and it was very nice and interesting except the last part which led around the firefighters ground. In the end of the race I acquierd a lesson from precise map-reading. From control number 14 I thought I would use a path through a bush but it was an auxiliary contour line.

Map with my routechoices from the 1 stage

2nd Trial
The second race must have been inspired by Saint Hildegard von Bingen and her world-known nettle medicine. Sprint is a short discipline so the treatment must be very intensive and so it was. The race consists of two doses interrupted by an asphalt circuit around basketball courts. And the result of His Majesty: 17 minutes, 40 seconds, 26th place and happy face (as shown in the picture below).

His Majesty is content after rough nettle therapy

It was a luxury Saturday with interesting races framed by a bunch of local Aftercutting beer.

Monday, June 03, 2013

Tour de Balkan 2013 - Episode 1 - Bo(ring)hdalec

In accordance to the "Guidance for Help to Second Europe Countries" commited by European Parliament the second stage of Czech B-ranking was held in Bulgarian ville of Bogdalevts. And obviously it was a true episode of  Tour de Balkan: boring terrain, silly tracks and poor beer (Starasofia). At least that the weather was indulgent.
Despite everything above His Majesty made an excellent effort on Saturday long distance and after less than two hours of run We had safely defended the third place (from the bottom). Because of a relegation to C-league for Sunday middle distance His Majesty could enjoy a couple of beers with BT guys but no police investigation has been registered so far. The middle distance was also True Balkan so His Majesty packed Our sacks and went back to Our capital city - Vltava above Prague.

 Local speciality of Zdgarska: pico-pictograms for long distance
(with local safety matches for comparsion)